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Vertebral Subluxation Part 7

Written By Volstad Integrated Wellness on November 7, 2022


The brain stem and spinal cord are the primary pathways for nerve impulses to and from the brain. Messages back and forth through these nerves control the health and function of virtually every other cell, tissue, organ, and system of the body.

Nerve tissue is so important it is protected by bone. The brain is encased by the skull, and the spinal cord is covered by 24 moving bones of the spinal column.

Many everyday things can cause these bones to lose their normal motion or position. This sets off a chain reaction affecting the spinal bones, nerves, muscles, soft tissues, and results in degenerative changes throughout the body. Doctors of Chiropractic refer to this as the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.

Besides describing how the spine can affect your overall health, the Vertebral Subluxation Complex explains why it takes time to restore optimum health. The Vertebral Subluxation Complex is the underlying cause of many health problems and is recognized by its five component parts.