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Preventing Neuropathy: Lifestyle Changes and Risk Reduction

Written By Volstad Integrated Wellness on April 6, 2024

Concept of nail prick and cellulitis in foot of Asian man.

There is no cure for neuropathy, so reducing your risk of developing neuropathy can help you avoid painful and uncomfortable neuropathy symptoms. At Volstad Integrated Wellness, our chiropractor Dr. Keith Volstad can provide tips and guidance on how to stay healthy if you are at risk of developing neuropathy in Jupiter, FL. You have a higher risk of neuropathy if you have diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, high blood pressure, a vitamin or nutrient deficiency, or a risk of nerve damage. 

Correct Vitamin Deficiencies and Improve Diet

Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies can increase your risk of neuropathy, diabetes, and nerve damage. Dr. Volstad can screen you for vitamin deficiencies and recommend vitamins or supplements that will enhance your overall health. He can also evaluate your diet and provide nutrition counseling to ensure you’re following a healthy, balanced diet.

Get More Exercise and Lose Weight

Weight gain and obesity can increase your risk of nerve damage and complications of diabetes and other health conditions. Dr. Volstad can help you create a plan that increases the amount of daily exercise you get and helps you lose weight. Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle will improve your overall health and wellness and reduce your risk of neuropathy. 

Avoid Alcohol and Other Toxins

Alcohol is inflammatory and increases your risk of injury, nerve damage, and organ damage. Alcohol also increases your blood sugar, which is dangerous when you have diabetes. If you pass out from alcohol overuse, you are more likely to develop complications from unmanaged diabetes and less likely to be aware of health issues and risk factors for neuropathy. 

Lower Your Risk of Nerve Damage

Certain lifestyle habits and environmental factors can increase your risk of nerve damage. By avoiding these factors, you can lower your risk of nerve damage. If you have a risk of neuropathy, diabetes, or nerve damage, you should avoid risk factors and manage any underlying health conditions that increase your risk of neuropathy:

  • Smoking and alcohol overuse
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Infections like Lyme disease, shingles, hepatitis B and C, and HIV
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Kidney, liver, and thyroid disorders
  • Family history
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Repetitive motion

Learn More About Reducing Your Risk of Neuropathy in Jupiter, FL

If you are at risk of neuropathy or have been diagnosed with diabetes, make an appointment with us at Volstad Integrated Wellness. Dr. Volstad and his team can evaluate your lifestyle, habits, home and work environment, and overall health to identify your neuropathy risk factors. We can then work closely with you to reduce your risk of neuropathy. Request an appointment online today. 

Posted In: Neuropathy